Thursday, September 22, 2011


There is a word used in the Indian Sub-continent called 'Nirmal' which basically means 'pure'. The relevance of this word, in today's world seems to have lost to such a degree that it feels almost scary to even jot down a few lines along the meaning of that word. The world needs a better platform to function if we need to know how is it that things make difference. And when the world knows how to do that, it will be a day that has been awaited.

But, despite the fact that in today's world people are more offended than pleased talking about 'purity', I would none-the-less like to venture into taking the risk. When mankind knows, ultimately, what he has lost, it will be too late to even repent. But purity is a state that humans can not lose in totality. That good news apart, it is perhaps essential to note honestly that one among many things that we have lost is our 'Nirmal' quality; the purity - the innocence.

My mind, at this very moment is blank while thinking how is it that humans will ever realize the proximity of their being to what I would like to call as purity. For convenience sake I will define purity as a quality that reflects the image of God in its spectacular form - that image which resounds the silence of reality, the stillness of time, the romance of the nature and the magnificent value of living.

Anything that has no speckle on it would be called as pure - just like a scar-less mirror that reflects the image in its real form. It is just like the dew drop shining in the earliest time of the day, absolutely untouched and essentially silent and beautiful. But no man is either the nature or the dew; neither are they the sun or the moon. What are they? They are the only creatures on earth who can describe all of them. They are the ones who can decode the joy out of things that are ordinarily perceived otherwise. But, Alas! There is a catch! Humans can no more enjoy everything they see. They have become grumpy animals who are no more happy about what the nature has to give them or display to them in its utmost genuineness and, again, 'purity'! Is it because they have themselves lost their purity? Possibly, and in most likelihood.

But, evaluating whether or not they have lost their purity land us nowhere near the answer to the question, how do humans find a way to enjoy again? How would they be equipped again with the level of consciousness that knows how to appreciate, enjoy and live?

The pure side of the unconscious can make things change for the better. It is essential, however, to realize that all of us are seeking a transformation that has the potential to achieve PURITY that allows us to go back to where we originally were. But humans are not like mirrors where the scratches can not be mended anymore. Purity can be regained and re-established and it MUST be. How else can we reflect the seemingly ordinary and mundane things in its joy and mirth - that they are primarily meant to be?

Do we have time to look at the azure of the sky and the magnificent grey of the clouds and its enchanting movements and patterns? Do we, anymore, have time to listen to the chirping and singing of the birds above in the sky or those on the trees? They may be saying something to you! Do we anymore have the need to take a glance at the picturesque green of the nature and the spectacular vigour of the flowers swaying just on our ways. They perpetually tell us 'What are you sad about, smile like us'!

But to hear those voices, and to see and experience those beauties, there needs to be a pure heart. We must be able to take our attention away from our daily doses of thinking loads of nothing but sex, violence, drugs, fashions or gold! The mind must rest in peace. It must get rid of the ripples that perpetually fritters away their attention. How can a lake reflect the clear image of the sky until it is swaying with ripples all over itself? Have you ever tried the power of silence? Have you ever experienced the magnificence of simplicity? Have you ever danced in the glory of silence and have you ever beaten the drums of glory? This sounds platonic and heavily utopian, but I wish I could make you believe that there is nothing more easily achievable than this.

Purity is all about seeing things in its right perspective. Its about being a healthy human being. It is about writing, feeling and experiencing reality in its real shape. Like writing this essay would not essentially be possible without the aid of instruments like a paper, pen and a 'willing' hand; reality or living in it would essentially not be possible without the aid of instruments like purity and of course, a 'willing' heart - the willingness being of nothing, but just to take rest for a change; sit down with a blank mind or a blank page and enjoy the beauty that flows like the ripple-less ripples of lake OR....start writing down without thinking!!

Pretty much like what I am doing!

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to be silent and enjoy the PURITY even more. Bye!

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