Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A small objective thought process!


The way by which a person is known to this world, or the image that a person forms to the society to be recognized can be defined as ‘identity’. Being popular or common, being rich or poor, being aristocratic or downtrodden are all part of identity that we differentiate humans with. A person is identified as kind, compassionate, rude or cruel all for the impression that one has created in the eyes of the people based on their inherent distinction between two obvious opposites of qualities.

The Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang is documentary in substantiating this image of the equal opposite of good and bad that is projected in a person. This philosophy believes in the non-existence of anything without the presence of both the positive and negative aspect of qualities in it. If summer exists in Yang, winter becomes the Yin, and if Yin projects femininity, Yang forms masculinity. Not in a different line, thus, is the opposite of ‘good’ in Yin and ‘bad’ in Yang drawn in forming the judgments of the qualities of human beings.

The factors determining the identity of a personality is many. Physically a person can be identified as strong or weak, emotionally one can be positive for happiness, joy, laughter or enjoyment and negative in anger, taking to tears, agony and frustration. Mentally one can be sound or unsound, and morally one can be ethical or unethical, kind or rude, compassionate or cruel, natural or unnatural.

Popularity of a person is one big factor that contributes to one’s identity. Yet popularity is determined by factors such as talents, affluence, appearance, work, affiliation to already popular people and deeds.

Great spiritual leaders who preached the essence of living and the meaning of life are identified as ambassadors of the God while people who perpetrate human cruelty, terrorism, criminal offences such as rape, murder or theft are deemed to be the envoy of evil in humans.

Determinants and elements of such distinctions are endless. What appears to be macrocosmically dominant is the general disparity of human identity between the two big qualities of ‘good’ and ‘bad’.

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